Purchase of rehabilitation equipment for disabled children
The children we see on the photo suffered more that many adults could not stand. Not only they were left by their parents and suffer from disease, but also they are deprived of treatment and necessary rehabilitation.
Adding to that, they are forced to face brutal war. They had to leave their orphanage in Dnipropetrovsk to flee from bombing. Scared and jammed in an overcrowded train, they reached Poland with a single bag of clothes.
Today we attempt to restore their normality, starting from the most basic needs.
Together with the Fundacja Mam Serce (I Have a Heart Foundation) we organised rehabilitation, without which these children are unable to function.
Via this Foundation, we donated PLN 52 thousand for purchase of wheelchairs and rehabilitation equipment. We still need PLN 40 for rehabilitation. The Foundation organises a collection at its official websites open to all of us. Anyone who feels that he or she can contribute, to any extent, to improve the situation of these children, can donate.
If you want to donate, click here and pay any amount for rehabilitation of Dnipropetrovsk orphans.